""" Router "misc" provides: - getting the project version - getting the device IP """ import importlib.metadata import logging from socket import AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, socket from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends from ...core.config import Config, LogoUIConfig, ServerUIConfig from ...core.settings import SETTINGS from ._common import get_config _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) router = APIRouter(prefix="/misc", tags=["misc"]) @router.on_event("startup") async def start_router() -> None: _logger.debug(f"{router.prefix} router starting.") @router.get("/lanip") async def get_lan_ip() -> str: with socket( family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_DGRAM, ) as s: try: s.settimeout(0) s.connect((SETTINGS.ping_host, SETTINGS.ping_port)) IP = s.getsockname()[0] except Exception: IP = "" return IP @router.get("/version") async def get_server_api_version() -> str: return importlib.metadata.version("ovdashboard_api") @router.get("/config/server") async def get_server_ui_config( cfg: Config = Depends(get_config), ) -> ServerUIConfig: return cfg.server @router.get("/config/logo") async def get_logo_ui_config( cfg: Config = Depends(get_config), ) -> LogoUIConfig: return cfg.logo