import logging from PIL import Image from .imageloader import ImageLoader def chunks(whole: list, chunk_size): # while there are elements while whole: # get a chunk yield whole[:chunk_size] # remove that chunk whole = whole[chunk_size:] class Book: # Card faces by Square API __FACE_URL = "{}_{}.jpg" # Card back image by Aurik __BACK_URL = "" def __init__(self, cards, grid, resolution, language, num_threads): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # sort cards by element, then alphabetically cards.sort(key=lambda x: cards.sort(key=lambda x: "Multi" if len(x.elements) > 1 else x.elements[0]) # all card face URLs urls = [Book.__FACE_URL.format(card.code, language) for card in cards] # card back URL urls.append(Book.__BACK_URL) # multithreaded download images = ImageLoader.load(urls, resolution, language, num_threads) # card back Image back_image = images.pop(-1) # shorthands # rows and columns per sheet r, c = grid # capacity of grid (reserve last space for card back) grid_capacity = r * c - 1 # width, height per card w, h = resolution def paste_image(page, index, image): x, y = (index % c) * w, (index // c) * h page.paste(image, (x, y)) self.__pages = [] for images in chunks(images, grid_capacity): # create book page Image page ="RGB", (c * w, r * h))"New image: {page.size[0]}x{page.size[1]}") # paste card faces onto page for i, image in enumerate(images): paste_image(page, i, image) # paste card back in last position paste_image(page, c * r - 1, back_image) self.__pages.append(page) def save(self, filename): for i, page in enumerate(self.__pages):