from __future__ import annotations import json import os import requests from .carddb import CardDB from .cards import Cards from .code import Code from .language import Language from .utils import CARD_BACK_URL, DECKS_DIR_NAME class TTSDeck(Cards): def __init__(self, codes: list[Code], name: str, description: str): super().__init__(name) self.__description = description # get cards from carddb carddb = CardDB() self.extend([ carddb[code] for code in codes ]) __FFDECKS_API_URL = "" @classmethod def from_ffdecks_deck(cls, deck_id: str) -> TTSDeck: req = requests.get(TTSDeck.__FFDECKS_API_URL, params={"deck_id": deck_id}) codes = [ Code(card["card"]["serial_number"]) for card in req.json()["cards"] ] name = f"{req.json()['name']} ({deck_id})" description = req.json()["description"] return cls(codes, name, description) def tts_object(self, language: Language) -> dict[str, any]: # unique face urls used unique_faces = set([ card[language].face for card in self ]) # lookup for indices of urls url_indices = { url: i + 1 for i, url in enumerate(unique_faces) } # build the "CustomDeck" dictionary custom_deck = { str(i): { "NumWidth": "10", "NumHeight": "7", "FaceURL": url, "BackURL": CARD_BACK_URL, } for url, i in url_indices.items() } # values both in main deck and each contained card common_dict = { "Transform": { "scaleX": 2.17822933, "scaleY": 1.0, "scaleZ": 2.17822933, "rotY": 180.0, }, "Locked": False, "Grid": True, "Snap": True, "Autoraise": True, "Sticky": True, "Tooltip": True, "GridProjection": False, } # cards contained in deck contained_objects = [ { "Nickname": card[language].name, "Description": card[language].text, "CardID": 100 * url_indices[card[language].face] + card.index, "Name": "Card", "Hands": True, "SidewaysCard": False, } | common_dict for card in self ] # extract the card ids deck_ids = [ contained_object["CardID"] for contained_object in contained_objects ] # create the deck dictionary return {"ObjectStates": [ { "Nickname":, "Description": self.__description, "DeckIDs": deck_ids, "CustomDeck": custom_deck, "ContainedObjects": contained_objects, "Name": "Deck", "Hands": False, "SidewaysCard": False, } | common_dict ]} def save(self, language: Language) -> None: # only save if the deck contains cards if self: if not os.path.exists(DECKS_DIR_NAME): os.mkdir(DECKS_DIR_NAME) with open(os.path.join(DECKS_DIR_NAME, f"{self.file_name}.json"), "w") as file: json.dump(self.tts_object(language), file, indent=2)