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# node libraries
redis = (require 'redis')
crypto = (require 'crypto')
logger = (require 'logging').default 'session'
# expiry times in seconds
# games expire 1 week after last action
game: 1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
# logins expire 1 month after last action
login: 1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4
@db = redis.createClient
host: 'redis'
port: 6379
@db.on 'error', (err) ->
logger.error err.message
FFTCGSESSION::start = (data) ->
that = @
new Promise (resolve) ->
# hash data
hmac = crypto.createHmac 'sha256', Math.random().toString()
hmac.update (JSON.stringify data)
digest = hmac.digest 'base64'
logger.debug 'digest', digest
# push (hash, data) into DB for the configured timespan
that.db.setex digest, EXPIRY.login, (JSON.stringify data), (err) ->
resolve digest
FFTCGSESSION::check = (digest) ->
that = @
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
# refresh expiry timer on digest
that.db.expire digest, EXPIRY.login, (err, res) ->
if res == 0
reject null
that.db.get digest, (err, res) ->
resolve JSON.parse res
module.exports = FFTCGSESSION