import ast import inspect from textwrap import dedent from typing import Any, Callable ################# # MAGIC SECTION # ################# def ast_dump(sobject) -> None: print(f"Dumping AST of {sobject}") print(ast.dump(ast.parse( dedent(inspect.getsource(sobject)), ), indent=4)) def shoehorn(f: Callable) -> Callable: # ast_dump(f) def foo() -> None: print(f"{pstr = }") # type:ignore # noqa: F821 # ast_dump(foo) foo_ast = ast.parse(dedent(inspect.getsource(foo))) foo_fn = next( x for x in ast.walk(foo_ast) if isinstance(x, ast.FunctionDef) and == "foo" ) class Shoehorn(ast.NodeTransformer): def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef) -> Any: if == f.__name__: node.body.insert(0, foo_fn) node.decorator_list = [ decorator for decorator in node.decorator_list if not ( isinstance(decorator, ast.Name) and == shoehorn.__name__ ) ] return node f_ast = ast.parse(dedent(inspect.getsource(f))) new_f_ast = ast.fix_missing_locations(Shoehorn().visit(f_ast)) # print(ast.dump(new_f_ast, indent=4)) new_f_scope = {} exec(compile(new_f_ast, "", "exec"), new_f_scope) return new_f_scope[f.__name__] ################## # NORMAL SECTION # ################## def foo(): raise NotImplementedError() def func1(pstr: str) -> None: def foo() -> None: print(f"{pstr = }") foo() def func2(pstr: str) -> None: foo() @shoehorn def func3(pstr: str) -> None: foo() def func_info(f: Callable) -> None: try: print(f"{f.__name__} = {f}, {f.__code__.co_varnames = }") f("bar") f("baz") except Exception: print(f"Function {f.__name__} is broken.") if __name__ == "__main__": func_info(func1) func_info(func2) func_info(func3)