2024-03-13 21:20:52 +00:00

26 lines
1,018 B

[target.'cfg(all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"))']
# TODO(2) replace `$CHIP` with your chip's name (see `probe-rs chip list` output)
runner = "probe-rs run --chip STM32F103C8"
# runner = ["probe-rs", "run", "--chip", "$CHIP", "--log-format", "{L} {s}"]
rustflags = [
"-C", "linker=flip-link",
"-C", "link-arg=-Tlink.x",
"-C", "link-arg=-Tdefmt.x",
# This is needed if your flash or ram addresses are not aligned to 0x10000 in memory.x
# See
"-C", "link-arg=--nmagic",
# TODO(3) Adjust the compilation target.
# (`thumbv6m-*` is compatible with all ARM Cortex-M chips but using the right
# target improves performance)
# target = "thumbv6m-none-eabi" # Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+
target = "thumbv7m-none-eabi" # Cortex-M3
# target = "thumbv7em-none-eabi" # Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7 (no FPU)
# target = "thumbv7em-none-eabihf" # Cortex-M4F and Cortex-M7F (with FPU)
rb = "run --bin"
rrb = "run --release --bin"